So… I’ve been off the blog for quite a while now. Travel, work and other stuff have kept me away along with a general sense of lethargy related to blogging.
However, I’m trying to get rid of it, re-prioritize my activities and try and do stuff which I enjoy.
Anyway, a belated happy new year. I’ve been on two trips the past 3 month, and two more in the next 4 months. But none of them “travel trips” which is what I want to do. Swetha (who btw, got a Canon Rebel XSi, the 450D) mentioned that I have not mentioned my cam. Well mid-last year, I got a DSLR, a Canon 40D. It is an awesome cam, amazing features and amazing picture quality.
(Du..uh.. Of course it is, that’s why I purchased it ;))
Work wise, it’s been boring and frustrating past couple of months. Project mostly at a standstill and progress is sluggish if any. Almost like déjà vu.
My thoughts for 2009:
I think this will be a good year for me. I have positive feelings and expectations from the year. I expect a lot of changes in my life this year, mostly good ones. Hopefully ;)
I’m also participating in the development for a game that I’ve been playing for quite a while (Battlemaster), which is fun..
Well I had move to say but then I forgot.. Sigh..
I don't know. Never got around to finishing it. It started getting deep into religion and philosophy and so I sort of tuned it out.
That is one of the very few books that I've started and never finished.
Another is Atlas Shrugged. BOring book. Could not get past 50 pages of the book.
But I guess the worst was Catch 22. Could not get past even half a page. Does that even count as starting? ;)
Thus speaketh