Posts Tagged: Life

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This and That – Relatively speaking

So I’ve been busy. Old news what!

Past few weeks have run away like seconds.

Two trips – Jaipur for a wedding and Pondicherry for a holiday. More trips likely this year with one definite. Want to try and go to Goa at least once this year. Could not go last year which sort of broke my promise to myself to go there at least once a year.

Work has been hectic and killing. But is sort of fun because I am in charge. BM coding has slowed down too slightly since folks at home so am always with them. This sucks because I have a lot of stuff I want to do but do not have the time to

No time for photography. Reading has slowed down too. Sleep seems to always hover around me but not for enough time.

Time seems to be flying away. Apparently relativity is hot around me but without the pretty girl.

Found this lovely video of a addictive song and an beautiful voice. Have listened to it at least 15-20 times in the past 2 days. I think it was a very good discovery. Nice songs on the singer’s (Emily Wells) myspace page too. I think I really like her voice and her unique style of singing. Will keep track of her.

(Direct link to the video if the above embed does not work correctly)

Birthday was celebrated in the trip to Jaipur. Turned out to be a fabulous day capped off by an awesome party; not due to my birthday but the bachelor’s party of the groom whose wedding I was attending there. His wife is lovely. They are staying with us for this month so yay..

It’s been a while

So… I’ve been off the blog for quite a while now. Travel, work and other stuff have kept me away along with a general sense of lethargy related to blogging.

However, I’m trying to get rid of it, re-prioritize my activities and try and do stuff which I enjoy.

Anyway, a belated happy new year. I’ve been on two trips the past 3 month, and two more in the next 4 months. But none of them “travel trips” which is what I want to do. Swetha (who btw, got a Canon Rebel XSi, the 450D) mentioned that I have not mentioned my cam. Well mid-last year, I got a DSLR, a Canon 40D. It is an awesome cam, amazing features and amazing picture quality.
(Du..uh.. Of course it is, that’s why I purchased it ;))

Canon EOS 40D
Image via Wikipedia

Work wise, it’s been boring and frustrating past couple of months. Project mostly at a standstill and progress is sluggish if any. Almost like déjà vu.

My thoughts for 2009:
I think this will be a good year for me. I have positive feelings and expectations from the year. I expect a lot of changes in my life this year, mostly good ones. Hopefully ;)

I’m also participating in the development for a game that I’ve been playing for quite a while (Battlemaster), which is fun..

Well I had move to say but then I forgot.. Sigh..

Footnote: It took me about 1+ week to write this. As I said, had more to say but I forgot. Shit

Winning in Adversity

This is a very inspiring story of a Tennis Player, James Blake. Over the past couple of years, Blake has suffered a lot of advesity, personal tumults and problems. But with a spirit which is very resilient and will power which is seemingly made of iron, he has come back and achieved what many tennis players only dream of. A Top 10 ATP rank and an increasing fan base and reputation. Truly an inspiring story.

The Dilbert Blog: Winning – An inspiring story about James Blake