About blogging in general
Moved my domain from Dreamhost to Hawkhost. Will be some downtime while the DNS propagation goes through.
Dreamhost had been giving me problems with email, most commonly with Webmail. Also the site faced a fair amount of downtime. Hence the switch. Let’s see how’s Hawkhost
So… I’ve been off the blog for quite a while now. Travel, work and other stuff have kept me away along with a general sense of lethargy related to blogging.
However, I’m trying to get rid of it, re-prioritize my activities and try and do stuff which I enjoy.
Anyway, a belated happy new year. I’ve been on two trips the past 3 month, and two more in the next 4 months. But none of them “travel trips” which is what I want to do. Swetha (who btw, got a Canon Rebel XSi, the 450D) mentioned that I have not mentioned my cam. Well mid-last year, I got a DSLR, a Canon 40D. It is an awesome cam, amazing features and amazing picture quality.
(Du..uh.. Of course it is, that’s why I purchased it ;))
Work wise, it’s been boring and frustrating past couple of months. Project mostly at a standstill and progress is sluggish if any. Almost like déjà vu.
My thoughts for 2009:
I think this will be a good year for me. I have positive feelings and expectations from the year. I expect a lot of changes in my life this year, mostly good ones. Hopefully ;)
I’m also participating in the development for a game that I’ve been playing for quite a while (Battlemaster), which is fun..
Well I had move to say but then I forgot.. Sigh..
Today is April Fools day (like you didn’t already know!). In the recent years this day of the year is usually when a lot of lame April Fools pranks are played out across the Internet and blogs. This is getting so old and lame that its irritating, let alone humorous.
This sentiment is shared by others who are tired of the crap being passed off as April Fools day pranks. We need something really good and funny. Not the same prank rehashed year after year. Come on. It’s the Internet which has so many talented funny people creating loads of good stuff. Let them get more coverage than those listed above!
Update: Another one from Gmail
and maybe grow a thicker skin at that..
It all started over the weekend – a bitching match going on at Techmeme started apparently by Louis Gray who replied to Duncan Riley’s post on Techcrunch. The comment by Louis Gray
TechCrunch’s Duncan Riley checked in with a quasi-analytic comment this morning
prompted a response from Duncan Riley where he calls Loius Gray a cunt and a wanker. Duncan Riley also says in his post
Notice the put down with “quasi-analytic,” lets not fight on ideas, lets denigrate the messenger.
And on his response, Duncan Riley does exactly that. He describes Louis Gray as
I say A-List somewhat lightly, because the guy who’s come after me is someone who’s called Louis Gray. I’ve been blogging a bloody long time and for a lot of that time I’ve been reporting on the movers and shakers in blogging, and until a couple of months ago I’d never heard of this guy. His about page is as useful as tits on a bull: he does PR for a Silicon Valley technology company and found blogging in 2006. He’s talked about now at the same level as Calacanis, Scoble and Arrington, and yet he’s reached the lofty heights of 735 subscribers in Feedburner; probably more than this humble blog but this isn’t my main outlet.
Which is the opening of his post linked to above.
I found this quite ridiculous and hypocritical of him and said so through a comment on his post (Ah, Duncan was kind enough to delete the comment but I happen to have a copy of it reproduced below)
You say that Louis Gray attacked the messenger? What have you done?
With this idiotic post you have done exactly that.Practice what you preach hypocrite
To this, Duncan responds in a classic teenage fashion (after deleting the comment). He emailed me with this:
Seriously, fuck off.
Well, that is the background so far.
What are you Duncan? An A-lister? You think you are so great that you can try and thrash anyone and if someone calls you out, you go down to teenage expletives. Grow up dude.
If you cannot take comments and disagreement, then get off the blogosphere. You are being a jerk and behaving like a child.
And Duncan, don’t denigrate the messenger, discuss the idea. Oh, you already do not follow what you yourself write. Mea culpa
A very good analysis if also provided by Matthew Ingram.
I’ve decided to change my theme and put in a new theme. This is a clean, white theme with lot of free space and fluid layout. Graphics are minimal which should make the blog load faster.
Things will likely break and I’ll fix them as I come across them ;)
Update: The theme breaks the blog big time because it is designed for WordPress 2.3 while I am running a previous version and don’t plan to upgrade to 2.3.. Sigh. I’ll have to look for another theme now :(
Update 2: I managed to get a working theme which looks pretty decent. Though I did like another but that had the same problem as above. Sigh. This will have to do unless the other theme’s author feels benevolent and modifies his theme to make it backward compatible ;)
Something is wrong with the blog.. The CSS and various javascript files are not being served by the server even though they appear to be present in the themes folder. And since there is no SSH or ftp access to my server, I cannot even check until I return home..
Thus speaketh