Posts Tagged: gun_runner

Who is to blame?

I just finished watching Lord of War and found it a very powerful movie. Told from the perspective of a gun runner and how he lived his life, it gives a very nice insight into how a criminal (which is subjective but that’s another topic) thinks and rationalizes his actions to himself.

Anyway, so in the movie, the character played by Nicholas Cage, Yuri, always maintains “This is not my/our fight” while selling arms, arms which cause so much of death all over the world.

So my question is, who is to blame for all those deaths? Of course those who actually use the weapons are definitely to be blamed! But are those who sell the weapons to be blamed too? And by extension then, those who manufacture the weapons? What about the people who create an environment, the need for weapons which triggers the manufacture, sale and ultimately use of weapons? And by weapons I mean from the smallest gun to the largest bombs, missiles etc..

Ps. Yes I know it’s late but sleep comes not :(