Posts in Category: Studies

All about my great college AMC Engineering College, Bangalore.

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Now the wait starts

Just submitted my first application. I’m excited but do not want to hope too much or start dreaming in case they are not realised..

Have done as much as I could (though I could have done more) and now will have to wait and watch..

So it begins

Apps for MBA schools are starting to come out now!

The new round begins for me. I did not apply last year, deferring to gain more work experience. I hope I have sufficient experience this time now.. I am feeling the beginnings of a freak-out :(

Toefl – End result

Toefl went well. It is much more easy than I expected. But it’s not like I aced it and will max it.

Reading section was pretty easy although I was a bit nervous at first because I had heard or rather read on the Toefl forums that sometimes instead of the regular 3, 5 essays are given in this section for the same amount of time. Well I got only 3 so I was relieved when the section started.

Listening was a breeze although I might have gotten a couple of inference questions incorrect.

Speaking! This is the section I did the worst on. In one of the questions, I got a bit flustered and so forgot what I wanted to say. In another, I could not finish what I had to say in the allotted time so it was kinda incomplete.

Essay writing was pretty easy. The summarizing section was easy enough. The opinion essay was a cracker. The topic was such a trivial one that I initially did not know what to write. However I managed to wrangle something out and write a decent enough essay (Due to the NDA, I cannot disclose what the topic was)

Ps. Received my GMAT essay score. Scored a 5 on 6. Much better than I expected


I have my toefl tomorrow. Finally ;)

Unfortunately, it starts at 4 pm and with it being a 4 hour test, I might have to be in the test center till 8 pm :(
Whew.. That is a looong time and it will be late!

Anyway, I’m not quite as nervous as I was for GMAT since Toefl seems relatively easier. Buuuut, being as prepared I was for GMAT and yet I screwed it up, I hope I don’t do the same for Toefl :(

OT: Went out of my house for the first time in 6 days. Had to get my bike fixed before the test and did not want to take a chance tomorrow. Realized what an awesome weather the city is experiencing and was pissed of at having to miss all that due to these bleeding exams :(


Ok.. I’m done with GMAT. Atleast for the first time. The reason why I have not posted about it yet is because I’m disappointed with both myself and the measly score I could achieve :(

Anyway, I got a 700 but I’m not happy at all with it. Some of the nicer people in my life ( :) ) tried to cheer me up by saying it’s a good score but it’s not, atleast not for me!

I will have to see what to do next after my Toefl (on the 4th of Aug) firstly hoping I don’t screw that up. I will definitely consult someone with more experience, most likely a career/US education counselor to try and put my score in better perspective and what chances I have!

Sigh.. C’est la vie :(

Update: Got my essay score report. Scored a 5 on 6. More than I expected :)
Will have to see if it balances the lower main score.

I’m a Graduate

Graduation certificateWhee… I’m finally and officially a graduate.

Just got it last evening. My degree certificate. Nothing very fancy but still, it’s my degree. :-)

Ps. Sorry for the bad image quality and the cropping. I’m not good with image editors :-(


Well almost ;-)

Sorry for the caps but I am all excited and happy. I gave the last exam ever for my engineering course and am now gonna become an engineer soon. This means end to all the studies(At least for sometime) So I am freeeeee :-)
