I’m an uncle!

My elder sister gave birth to a cute li’l angel today. She is the prettiest little thing. If I could, I would be in the air flying to my brother in law’s place as of this moment. But unfortunately for now, I will have to keep myself content with looking at these photos:

My cute niece My cute niece My cute niece

Click on the images to view a larger image.

Update: More pics:

My niece wondering at the world  Now what?  Pfbbtt


  1. swe February 24, 2007

    Congrats Uncle AJ!!!

    Ha ha… that actually sounds very cool :)

  2. Kev February 24, 2007

    Congrats and welcome to the club, my sister has three boys.

  3. AJ February 26, 2007

    Thanks guys.. Wow, that’s cool Kev. You must post their photos :)

  4. Deepa Krishnan March 1, 2007

    Congratulations. Personally, I think all babies are quite wrinkled and ugly in general but we can’t help liking them even when their faces are all red and wrinkled!

    – Deepa

  5. AJ March 1, 2007

    Yeah.. Though I guess that wrinkles make me like the person ;)

    Edit: (Hit submit too fast)
    I think old people and kids/babies are the best to be around.

  6. […] long trip   Feeling: excitedWith my “joblessness” and becoming an uncle I’m not off to a trip to my sister’s place for my niece’s naming ceremony which […]

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