Posts Tagged: sleep

Random Number Generator

– I found this article quite a good take on the US Presidential race. What will it take for politicians to be more honest and actually work for a country and it’s people rather than amassing money or power. I think politicians are the worst scumbags on the face of the planets ahead of lawyers (Matko, no offense meant to you)
(I usually write about politics but this article was a very interesting analysis of the state of politics)

– Devegowda is one of the worst politicians ever to walk this country. And he is scum

– I really really want a MacBook Pro with the new Mac OS, Leopard.

– I need to sleep, write, read and work (in that order) but do not have time to do all.

– I came up with this quote

– Of late, music helps me get through a day

Back to the regular programming schedule

Annnnnddddd… I’m back :) I landed yesterday, late in the morning.
It was a really good and fun trip. But I’m more tired than before I went. That is mainly due to a severe lack of sleep due to there being always something to do. Sit and chat with cousins, explore the ship or just go out and do some tourism ;)

Last night, I slept like a log for 12 straight hours.

Ps. Lots of photos but the camera is still with my parents who went ahead to Malaysia while I returned. All those will be uploaded once they return…


It’s 1 AM in the morning and I just got back here after trying to sleep for almost 45min. Just realised what’s been troubling my mind over the past few weeks.. And I don’t like it :(

On another topic, I started preps for my Gmat but have absolutely no idea how to go about it and how much and what to study. Don’t really have the time to go for coaching classes so am in a fix as to what to do!

And why the hell does the damn song reflect my emotions? :-/