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– I found this article quite a good take on the US Presidential race. What will it take for politicians to be more honest and actually work for a country and it’s people rather than amassing money or power. I think politicians are the worst scumbags on the face of the planets ahead of lawyers (Matko, no offense meant to you)
(I usually write about politics but this article was a very interesting analysis of the state of politics)
– Devegowda is one of the worst politicians ever to walk this country. And he is scum
– I really really want a MacBook Pro with the new Mac OS, Leopard.
– I need to sleep, write, read and work (in that order) but do not have time to do all.
– I came up with this quote
– Of late, music helps me get through a day
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Madhavi has a mac book with Leopard!!! Guess its being used for the most basic activities ;)
Time to get J
I got a new MacBook with Leopard at the start of the month it is a great little machine, still have to adjust to the new Leopard way of doing stuff but I do like it.
“- I need to sleep, write, read and work (in that order) but do not have time to do all.” Ditto :)
somehow missed this post. in case you missed mine…:D