The advantage of frankness

I always believe being frank to be advantageous. And with friends, I had always tried to be frank, even if it meant that sometimes I said something harsh, hoping that by saying the truth, I would prevent possible occurance of misunderstanding later.

But due to various reason, people going far(not in terms of physical distance), change in perceptions about people and a general disinterest, I had of late stopped speaking out to friends, not saying what I felt like saying or should say but instead kept it bottled up within myself. Heck have it bottled up even now!

But today, a conversation which started with some irrelevant topic got to the point where I spoke frankly to a friend, spoke about something that had recently bothered me and even pissed me off to an extent. And when I said it out, the reason due to which I had been pissed turned out to be so inconsequential because it actually stemmed from a reaction to something I had myself said, something which I now find extremely distasteful and idiotic. Nevertheless, once I realised the root cause, I realised it was my fault and that immediately turned my irritation to guilt and shame!

But it did do one thing. It cleared up the situation, erased any possible resentment and simmering billigerence and thus prevented any possible ugliness in the future.

And I am extremely glad :)

Yes, I will not reveal any info, but you know it ;)


  1. Haas April 30, 2006

    This is why I believe in informing ppl if I am pissoff with them. They almost always hv a good explanation and basically it does not make me ponder over it… Sometimes they correct their mistakes too :P

  2. AJ April 30, 2006

    I agree. And I should start doing that again too!

  3. ash May 4, 2006

    ash@ash ~ $ wc
    And when I said it out, the reason due to which I had been pissed turned out to be so inconsequential because it actually stemmed from a reaction to something I had myself said, something which I now find extremely distasteful and idiotic.
    1 43 240

    talk about long sentences ;)

  4. AJ May 4, 2006

    Hehe! I sometimes tend to do that :”>
    That why it be called Ramblings ;)

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