Another mail which gave a bit of a laugh! Again, I cannot verify it’s authenticity!
Here are some conversations that airline passengers normally will never hear. The following are accounts of actual exchanges between airline pilots and control towers around the world.
Ok this is radical design. No I dont think it is an official Nokia design but who knows if someday they might create a phone like this.
Not only does it look supremely cool, it would be fun to play around with it as well :-D
Of course, it should be robust enough to handle daily and a bit of rough use, though I can’t see many guys using this one. Would probably be considered as too girlish by the Macho Men ;-) :-P
The phone concept is viewable here. And dont forget the watch the animation!
James T. Kirk
An impassioned commander with more respect for individuals than for authority, you have a no-holds-barred approach to life and its obstacles.
I don’t believe in the no-win scenario.
James is a character in the Star Trek universe. STARTREK.COM has his Starfleet record.
Received this a mail forward. Some of them are a nice laugh ;-) There is a lot pilots have to take into account when hauling your behind across the sky…
No 25 is my favorite along with no. 23. What’s yours? :-D
This is a list of the first 100 domains ever registered! Imagine an Internet where almost all domain names you can think of are available! :D ….
Surprising thing to note is Intel, IBM, Apple, HP etc are all registered but microsoft is not!
The original post is here
Ok, today has been one of those bad days which people wish would not happen. It started right in the morning when I was late for work because it was pouring heavily. I hate rain, period.
As I get in and login to my system, it would not connect to the network. I started up the browser and found that it all it’s buttons, for some reason had disappeared. So I tried to logout, and it would not log me out but instead froze the machine. Great!
Yes, I am alive. It’s been far too long, much longer than I hoped since I last posted. But its been in part because nothing too interesting has happened in life and in part because of my laziness over the past coule of weeks.
And I hope to change that soon :-D
I’m BACK :-)
Thus speaketh