Daily Archives: June 12, 2005


I have recently installed an ultra cool plugin which allows me to view recent stats for my blog. It is called shortstats.

It is real cool plug which allows me to see which country my viewers are from, what is their OS, browser etc.. Now dont get alarmed.. I dont collect the info but only view it to know where you all are from!

I was surprised, pleasantly at that seeing the demographics of the viewers.. India, Lithuania, France, US, Aus, Afganistan etc.. I only wish you ppl would leave a comment so I know who you are.. Again only out of curiosity thats all :-)

Thanks to all of you viewers

China, Germany, Netherlands, Canada, Spain and New Zealand :-)


Well almost ;-)

Sorry for the caps but I am all excited and happy. I gave the last exam ever for my engineering course and am now gonna become an engineer soon. This means end to all the studies(At least for sometime) So I am freeeeee :-)
